Summer Grove Missionary Baptist Church was founded in the belief that communities must learn to help themselves. Our work is founded on the following five pillars of faith:
History of Summer Grove Missionary Baptist Church
(Brief Summary)
According to the saying of elder deacons of this church and the church clerk, (Bros. Nelson Collins and Primus Terrance), it was about 21 years before the turn of the century, in the late 1800s, several concerned Christian citizens of the black community (which was located about ½ mile west of the Alabama River and about 2 miles South of the city of Selma) founded this church. These Christians had formerly worshipped in a grove of trees during the summer months, but there was no place to worship during the winter. So, they banned themselves together and being led by the Holy Spirit, established or founded the church on the hill in a spot that belonged to one William Tipton along with his wife and children. This family donated the land to the Christians for service as long as there was peace and harmony among them, but as the church membership grew and attempted to progress, confusion crept in and finally at one time it is said that the Tipton family closed the doors of the edifice. However, “God dealt with the Tipton family so that they vowed never to close the church’s doors again.”
The church moved forward and progressed under the leadership of the ministers who controlled it at various intervals. Among the known ministers who controlled it at various intervals—and--among the known ministers who pastored the Summer Grove Baptist Church was Rev. Horace Jordan, the step-father of Sis. Eliza Parnell Wilson, better known to us as, “Sis. Wilson” or “Big Sister” who loved the church; also, Rev. Josh Hines served as minister. The church was rebuilt under the pastorate of Rev. P.H. Brown, the father of Bro. John Brown, Sr. Other pastors were Rev. Joe Goldsby, Rev. Jack Bonner, Rev. Simon Lundy, the uncle of Bro. Deanny Lundy; Rev. Richard Grant, the grandfather of Brothers, Claude and A.D. Bush. After Rev. Grant’s pastorate, Rev. Taylor McGrue, Rev. Nixon, Rev. Richard Bizzell, and Rev. L.S. Smith took over the helm. Rev. Smith re-erected the edifice. At the end of Rev. L.S. Smith’s tenure as pastor, Rev. W.P. Jones served as pastor and the church made much progress. It was moved from the Tipton site and built on the present spot. The Prayer Band, which was headed by Dea. Willie Varner along with Sis. I.C. Slater who spearheaded the drive and saw to it that the church was brick veneered. Others who assisted were persons like Sis. Elizabeth Lewis, Sis. Mary Williams, Bro. Willie Lewis, Sis. Fannie Honeycutt, Bro. Jonas Calhoun, Bro. Lindsey Douglas, Bro.Welpha Harrell, Sr., Sis. Carrie S. Brown, Sis. Mary Jackson, and many others who gave spiritual and financial support.
After bricking the church, the membership still desired to move forward during Rev. W.P. Jones’ tenure as pastor. Therefore effort was made to panel the sanctuary with pine paneling and put in hardwood floors. Any number of members gave themselves to this cause. Bro. Hubert Thomas took the lead seeing to it that this plan was carried out. Rev. W.P. Jones served until his passing in 1965. Then Rev. H.O. Walker took over the helm in 1965, and the membership was still anxious to move to higher heights. Thus, the education building, choir room, and interior restrooms behind the baptizing pool, along with the pastor’s study were installed which enhanced the congregation
Finally it was thought that the church was spreading and to remedy this situation, Bro. Joe Davis recommended that rods be installed and--they remained so until June of 1981 when the sanctuary was torn down and rebuilt under the pastorate of Rev. H.O. Walker. Then it was thought that the church needed new pews and they were purchased.
When Rev. A.L. Allen took over the helm in 1988, the membership still desired to move farther. They purchased a bus, house, church signs, and some land for the Church’s cemetery. Rev. A.L. Allen served until he resigned in April 2006 (Easter Sunday) after preaching a spiritual sermon.
Minister W.E. Jackson was elected interim pastor of this church April 2006 and elected pastor of this Church January 2007. Under his spiritual leadership through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our church accomplished much within a fewl years which includes a Security Alarm System installed, Entrances and Fellowship Hall Restored, Exit Signs and Emergency lights installed, New Keyboard added to Music Department, increased attendance in Bible Study, increased finances (tithes/Offerings); Established Warriors for Christ Men and Boys Ministry, Sisters Serving God Women and Girls Ministry, and revitalize. Jr. Ushers Ministry, Implemented an Electronic Financial Management System, increased attendance in Sunday School, Street Side Light installed on the Church, New Church Signs, Ordained (2) Deacons, Baptized many candidates, membership increased. Implemented rules and regulations to govern active and inactive members, (new and restored members); Scheduled meetings for Deacon/Trustee Board, Auxiliaries, Church’s Annual and Quarterly Reports, attendance and support increased greatly. Visitation and Care for the sick and disabled improved tremendously. The church members seem eager to work diligently with Pastor Jackson through the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they “position themselves for Greatness (God’s Blessings)”
Pastor Jackson continues to use his God given vision to help our church grow. The members still seem determined to work with Pastor W. E. Jackson as he spiritually guides them in the church’s spiritual and physical growth. Many unsaved persons have accepted Christ as their personal Savior and joined our church family¬---almost weekly—some restored their membership. Our Ministry included adding a porch to front of the church, steps, and ramps added to meet special REGS, also, additional bathrooms installed; TV installed for watching services in Fellowship Hall; church property management/maintenance guidelines established and implemented. In 2015, our Life Center was built. During 2016 -17, additional security systems were installed. Also, educational Bible Ministries were implemented. Pastor W.E. Jackson and members work very diligently in Kingdom Building “Expecting Greatness.”
Licensed/Ordained Minister
On Sunday, June 24, 2012, Pastor W. E. Jackson and the
Summer Grove Missionary Baptist Church family licensed Minister Dorothy Wright Williams to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On February 18, 2018, she was ordained. She is the first Woman Gospel Minister licensed and or ordained by our church to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ (God’s Word).
Some of the previous deacons of the church were Bro. West Johnson, Bro. Jimmy Davis, Bro. Rock Mark, Bro. Richmond Slater, Bro. Nelson Collins, Bro. Jim Williams, Bro. Sylvester Garner, Sr., Bro. Elijah Slater, Bro. Claude Bush. Bro. A.D. Bush, Bro. Jim Calhoun, Bro. Jonas Calhoun, Bro. Joseph Davis, Bro. Jimmy Sims, Sr., Bro. Willie Varner, Bro. Dave Hunter, Bro. Welpha Harrell, Jr., Bro. Theodore Coleman, Bro. W.H. Henderson, Sr., Bro. Nathan Durant, Bro. Hubert Thomas, Sr., Bro. Nathan Durant, Bro. Willie Moorer, Bro. William Walker, Sr., Bro. Willie Lewis, Bro. Albert Glover, Bro. Charles Williams, Bro. Jim Tipton Bro. Eugene Beard, Bro. John H. Harrell, Bro. Allen Stanberry,
Bro. Welpha Harrell, Sr., Bro Samson Crum, Sr., Bro. Willie Moorer, Bro. Wilmer Walker, Bro. Paul Dunklin.
Deacons Serving Presently
Bro. Percy Wright, Sr, Bro. Willie Glover, Bro. Charles Boyd Sr., Bro. Lee Earnest Harris,and Bro.William Henderson, Jr., Bro James Cleveland, Jr.
Some known church clerks were Bro. Primus Terrance, Sis. I.C. Slater, Bro. Charles Grant, Sis. Mary J. Collins Sims, Sis. Asia Collins, Sis. Mary E. Dudley, Sis. Mary B. Jackson, Bro. Joseph Davis, and Sis. Emma T. Slater who served well. Sis Bettie B. Jackson is our dedicated secretary-clerk.
Thanks be to God who is able to keep and who says, “For where two three gathered together in my name, there am I in midst of them.” Matthew 18:20. Therefore, we know that the church of God will forever stand for it is built and led by God’s own hand.